Monday, June 2, 2014

Build-A-Library Baby Shower

My sister and I recently threw a baby shower for our other sister who is due in July. It was a blast coming up with ideas! Here's what it looked like:

The food was set on a oooooooooold library circulation desk. We decked it out with a library page bunting banner, flowers, and lots of yummy food!

The food all coordinated with books that mentioned that item.

Cookies for "Cookie's Week"

Veggies, from the book "Eating the Alphabet", on top of a big dollop of hummus!

Donuts are a MUST of course! ;) So we used the book "If You Give a Dog a Donut". We chose three kinds: cinnamon sugar, powdered, and cherry.

"One Fish, Two Fish" seemed the obvious choice for this one, so we wrangled up "A Fish Out of Water" instead! Paired with Swedish Fish Sushi, it was a HIT!

Who else's favorite children's book was "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"?? Super easy to make these "caterpillars"!

Last, but not least, we bought Moon Pies (a retro candy) to go with "Goodnight Moon". Fun Fact: This book is my 8 month old's personal favorite bedtime story! He loves to turn the pages :)

The food wasn't the only thing that was Library themed though!

We used 4 different book quotes to make bookmarks. These were set on the tables as favors.

The coolest banner with quote "Richer than I you can never be; I had a mother who read to me."

An umbrella and raindrops filled the ceiling over the guest and gift tables.

We put drinks and games on a separate long table under clouds and book page rain drops.

Burlap runners were also used on all the tables.

Because the baby's gender is going to be a surprise, we set up a chalkboard for people to guess what they think it will be. 

Complete with adorable pink and blue rock-candy-filled rain boots.

The last thing we did for the shower was make a baby alphabet book! 

There you have it! An amazing baby shower for an amazing lady (and baby)!