Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spring Inspirations

Is anybody else waiting as impatiently as I am for warmer weather and green grass?

I know every spring is the same, a snowstorm or cold weather right after we've had a few beautiful days, but man does it make the winter feel loooooooonnnnnnggg!!

Here is a little inspiration to get you ready for the long awaited spring:










I can't wait to get my next gardening ideas post all put together for you!! :)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Nella's Story

Hello Friends! Glad it's the weekend! :)

Just a quick post today to tell you all about something amazing that is happening on March 27th-29th.

Kristin, over at Sounds of my Pitter Patter did a post about baby Nella, her family, and the disease that she suffers from, Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Her story will give you chills.

To help with medical bills, Kristin is putting together an insta-auction (only those on instagram can bid) starting Thursday March 27th.

She will have some amazing items up for sale as well as instructions on how to bid, get in touch with the vendor, etc.

The Sunny Path will even have an item on the auction block! I donated a pair of women's gold striped headbands:

Follow @krisestok on instagram for more details!!

Not on instagram? You can still follow Nella's story here:

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Nonchalant Living is converting to The Sunny Path!

Hello Readers!

Thank you for visiting my blog! Those of you who are frequent visitors, I love the support! You are the reason I keep on writing! :)

As some of you may know, I recently became a Certified Personal Trainer! Yay! Because I will soon be doing business with personal training and continuing on Etsy, I am transitioning everything under the same name: "The Sunny Path". During the next couple weeks I will slowly be changing things on the blog, so I apologize ahead of time if it is down when you visit!

What does this mean?

You will now be able to find me much easier! Etsy, Facebook, Instagram, and Blogger will all be under the same brand name. So check it out!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!


Friday, March 14, 2014

Healthy Food Products

I have run across a few awesome healthy food products the last couple of months that I really wanted to share with my readers! If you try them out, let me know what you think!! :)

Avocado oil is a great oil for cooking. It is has a very high smoke point, which means it can withstand high cooking temperatures. It also has a very mild flavor so it goes well over salads too!

This is my FAVORITE new product!! I love coffee. It makes me feel warm and cozy :) This coconut creamer tastes nothing like coconut and allows me to have delicious coffee without the dairy creamers!

Another great oil for cooking! When heated, coconut oil does not change much at the molecular level so it retains much of it's nutritional value! Many oils, like canola, olive, and other vegetable oils, are not great for cooking because of this reason. It does have a coconut flavor to it though, remember that when adding it to recipes.

Just like it says on the label, this nut butter is made from RAW almonds. This is one of the best nut butters for that reason. Plus, this one has maple added. One word: DELICIOUS! You will not want to go back to regular old peanut butter!

If you're trying to ditch the dairy, but are finding it hard to give up yogurt, this may do the trick! SO Delicious has many great flavors, still has probiotics, and tastes almost exactly like dairy yogurt! Give it a try and substitute it in your favorite recipes.

Tamari tastes just like soy sauce, but is gluten-free so even those with celiac disease and allergies to wheat can enjoy it!

Most of these foods can be found in the health food section of large grocery stores. The only one I haven't been able to find again is the Avocado oil!! My husband and I ran across this gem at Pike Place Market in Seattle.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Unique Baby Toys and Products

I love finding baby toys that are a little out of the ordinary! These are some of the most fun gifts I've seen lately!
Woodland Wood Puzzle

Darling Clementine Rattle

VW Bus with Surfboard
VW Van (I know these are for older tots, but they were just to cute not to include!)
Red Handle Car
Tambourine and Maracas Gift Set
Personalized Wooden Helicopter eco-friendly kids toy with rustic ornament
Still Looking for More? Check out my Etsy Treasury: Unique & Beautiful Wee One Products

Saturday, March 8, 2014

8 Things New Parents Really Don't Need

It used to be that most soon-to-be-parents got tried-and-true items for their baby showers. The only gifts you would receive were things that other moms and dads had found to be completely essential when raising a baby. There were no registries and no gift cards. Basically, everything you got at a baby shower was essential!

Now, a huge chunk of whoever goes to a baby shower (or wedding, or bridal shower for that matter) gets something that the soon-to-be parents registered for. But, if you are that soon-to-be parent sometimes you don't even know what should be on your registry!

Will your baby like this pacifier or that one?

How many diapers and wipes do you actually need?

What about all those fancy toys, activity centers, and crib sets?

How do you choose?!

Some of it will be personal preference, and some of it will be trial and error, but here are some of the products you can make do without:

The Bumbo: Now, I love that they donate a portion of their proceeds to underprivileged kids, but an extra seat when you probably already have a high chair, a swing, a boppy pillow and a car seat? How many seats do these kids really need before they can sit on their own? A better alternative? Get a baby carrier! Baby carriers work through every stage of infancy up to 35 pounds for some of them! When you're teaching your baby to sit, put them in a forward facing position and sit down. They won't fall and you'll still be able to do what you need to do.

All Encompassing Baby First aid kits: A lot of hospitals actually give you baby nail clippers, a pair of scratch mitts, a bulb syringe, and ours even supplied a thermometer. So don't bother buying a huge first aid kit until after you've had your baby or you might end up with a lot of duplicate items that can clutter up your nursery!

Scratch mittens: Gerber mittens come off so easily we decided it wasn't even worth putting them on! Just keep their nails trimmed the first couple of weeks. After the first two months it doesn't seem to be a huge problem. If you really need scratch mittens, there are long-sleeved onesies that come with scratch mitts "built in".

Tummy time mats: The idea of a tummy time mat is great. They come with little pillows to prop up baby's chest and they are pretty small because babies usually don't scoot around too much the first couple months. The problem is infants outgrow them really fast! Soon they want more stimulation and are scooting off of that little mat. A better plan? Get an activity center! You may not use the top part right away, as some newborns are easily overstimulated, but you can use the bottom mat and pillow that most come with.

(We usually just put down a blanket!)

Tons of Newborn Clothes: Many babies outgrow the newborn size very quickly, and some babies don't even fit in them when they are born! My advice? Get a few newborn onesies, but wait to buy more until your baby is born. Instead fill your registry with a variety of baby sizes, like 3, 6, and 9 month clothing.

Lots of Baby Bottles: Breast milk storage bags are much handier to refrigerate and freeze than bottles. Here is our situation, for example: Our baby needs enzymes to help him digest breast milk. This means that I have to give him half to one ounce of breast milk in a bottle with 4 drops of Colief before he nurses. We only have 6 bottles so I wash bottles either once a day, but I have to wash dishes anyway, so it is not a huge inconvenience. My advice? Feel out your situation before you purchase more than 6 bottles. You might not need as many as you think.

Full Baby Crib Sets: Although they are really cute, the only thing you really need out of the set is the fitted sheet. Of course, you may use more of the set when your little one is a toddler, but by that point it may be fun to let them pick their own!

Diaper Genie: In theory, it's a great idea. Keep your nursery smelling nice and fresh by locking away the smelly diapers. In reality, diapers are not that bad. We have used disposable and cloth diapers over the last 4 months, and there were only 5 or 6 REALLY BAD ones. Most of the time, they really don't smell that bad. Instead you can just keep a few small trash bags in the nursery to contain the awful ones.

There you have it! The 8 items that you don't need to include on your registry.

Of course, these is my opinion! If you feel these are necessary, by all means put them on your registry!

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Cutest Baby Clothes You've Ever Seen!

No plain 'ole onesies here! These are the cutest baby clothes from around the web! Don't you just want them ALL??

Image of Infant & Toddler "Little Wild" Tee

A Little Wild Tee

Image of Infant & Toddler "Don't Grow Up" Tee

Don't Grow Up Tee

Mountain Slouchy Beanies

Slouchy Beanie

Metallic Gold Leopard Long Sleeve Shirts // White

Cougar Long Sleeve Tee

Tan Moccasins



Southwest Snow Tee

Hunter Rain Boots

Want to see more? Check out my Etsy treasury list!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

First-Hand Advice for Colicky Babies

Most parents, especially new parents, cringe at the word colic. Fearful that their baby's cries will end up being inconsolable, prolonged, and disturbingly painful to hear. Unfortunately, we were blessed with that exact situation.

My husband and I were both fussy babies so I guess it was bound to happen! And even though we were semi-prepared for this type of baby, it was not easy for us as new parents to deal with the stress of not being able to calm our baby. Boy, were there some nights that praying for strength and patience was the only thing that got me through!! Fortunately, the little one seems to be over the hump. He's happier and happier every day.

Doctors say that most babies go through a fussy period, a couple weeks where they are fussier at a certain time of day. But there is a huge difference between a baby that cries when they are hungry, tired, wet, or overstimulated and a baby who is completely inconsolable no matter what you try. And while there is no magic cure, here are a few products and ideas that may just save your sanity:

First, RESEARCH! Check out and They have a few different explanations of what can cause colic. Sometimes, if you're lucky, there IS an explanation for why your baby is being fussy and some products that can help!!

Second, try some comforting techniques:

  • Baby carriers are amazing for newborns! Little babies love to be held close, but sometimes they don't want to be put down EVER. That can be very taxing on the family! Baby carriers allow you to take care of yourself as well as comfort your baby.
  • Go for a drive. A lot of colicky babies love the bumps and motion that a drive provides. You can also try a baby swing. Many babies love them! 
  • Hold baby on their stomach. Also called the colic hold, when you hold a baby on their tummy instead of their back they normally start to calm down. This is also one of the "Happiest Babies on the Block" techniques! It puts a little extra pressure on their tummy so if they are crabby because they have gas, this will usually relieve it.
  • You can also visit a chiropractor! Many babies need to be adjusted after delivery, even some C-section babies, and that can make them extra cranky. Ask your friends and family for a recommendation if you've never gone to the chiropractor before. 

Third, there are great products out there that can help:

One Bottle & Box

Colic Calm: Colic Calm is a gripe water made from 8 different herbs and is FDA regulated. Many parents swear by the great effects it has on colic symptoms. Unfortunately, it did not work for that well for us, but if you are at your wit's end, it might just be your saving grace!

Colief® Infant Drops

Colief: This is our FAVORITE product in the world right now!!!! It is an enzyme that helps babies digest the lactose in breast milk and formula. Not being able to digest milk well was definitely the cause of most of our little one's colic.

GERBER® Soothe™ Colic Drops

Probiotics: Babies are born without the healthy bacteria in their gut to help them digest food well. These can really help relieve the gas and bloating that comes from undigested food.

Gripe Water: This gripe water works really well for us. It has ginger and fennel that helps settle tummy troubles. We dip our babies pacifier in it when he is really cranky and won't take his pacifier at all. It instantly settles him down! It is also less expensive than the Colic Calm and is found in almost any pharmacy.

Don't be complacent if you think your baby has colic! If your doctor doesn't give you any advice, get on the web! is a great source for help on baby problems (it's where I found out about Colief!). They have communities of parents that are based around how old your child is. That is a nice way to keep up to date on issues that others are going through. Lots of good advice.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Traveling with Baby: 8 Essentials

Traveling with Baby: 8 Essentials

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Disposable Changing Pads 10pk / WubbaNub Elephant / Funny Baby Onesie I'd Flex but I Like This Onsie Onsy Crossfit... / Skip Hop 'Wise Owl' Stroller Toy / Arm Hammer Diaper Bag Dispenser Bags

My husband and I were born and raised in Minnesota. It's where our families still live and we visit frequently, driving the 9-10 hours from Eastern Montana. The trip used to be a breeze. Just pack a few outfits for the week and buzz on East to Minnesota. But, with the new baby it has gotten a little more complicated. Here are 8 things we never leave home without:

Arm & Hammer Dirty Diaper Bags: Sometimes you have no choice on a long road trip but to stop and change a diaper in the car. Make sure you have some of these diaper bags on hand so you're vehicle doesn't smell like poo for the rest of the trip! These bags really do block all of the most disgusting odors. Trust me. I've been there...

Wubbanub Pacifier: Once again, this useful little invention does double duty. We use it for nap time and play time in the car and don't have to worry about a extra toy.

Hanging Toy: We always have a hanging toy on the car seat handle for long trips. The toys move with the motion of the vehicle so it gives them something interesting to watch. We have an owl sort of like this one from - Wise Old Owl

Car Seat Strap Covers: I realize that some car seats come with little strap covers, but we really love these ultra soft ones from Eddie Bauer. Plus, some have animal heads that stick out and our little one loves to squish them when he's napping.

Changing Pads: You'll also want to make sure you have some type of changing pad along. These are disposable ones, but you can also find reusable ones with pockets for wipes and diapers. Or, if you're crafty, make your own! My sister-in-law made us one that I love!

Extra Clothes: Babies leak. It's inevitable. If it's not a messy diaper, then it's spit-up or drool. Either way, make sure you have a couple extra outfits for them (like this adorable onesie), and an extra shirt for you!

Wet Bags: Traditionally for cloth diapers, these bags are completely leak proof! You can throw dirty clothes in there, swimsuits, or use it for your extra clothes bag. They are awesome! I would recommend going with the medium or large bags as the small can only fit one or two cloth diapers.

Burp Cloths: Don't leave home without at least one burp rag! You'll need it. I promise.

*Do some good by getting your burp rags from this woman who's trying to raise money for IVF: J Baby Rags

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

10 Must-Have Items for New Parents

A few weeks ago, my mother-in-law asked me what would be a great item to buy for soon-to-be parents as she would be going to a baby shower soon. That really got me thinking, if I had to do it over again, what 10 things would I absolutely need for my baby.

So I compiled all of our must-have items and here it is:

10 Must-Have Items for New Parents

Circo Fox Hooded Towel / Circo Infant 6 Pack Washcloth Set Grey/Green / Carter's Baby Boys' L/S Striped Footed Blanket Sleeper / Motorola MBP33 Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Infrared... / Baby Child Safety Tested Mary Meyer Wubbanub 100% Soft And Cuddly... / Sophie the Giraffe Teething Toy / Rhino Toys Oball Rattle, Orange / Munchkin Deluxe Bottle Brush / aden by aden anais 4-Pack Muslin Swaddle in Life's a Hoot

Circo Fox Hooded Towel: Some baby towels are so thin that they are immediately soaked. These animal hooded towels are the perfect thickness. Plus, they come in many adorable characters.

Circo Washcloth Set: I love these washcloths! These are not bulky and get easily into the little baby skin folds. Adult washcloths are thick, so I definitely recommend getting the soft terry cloth ones! *Make sure to place one between a little boy's legs in case he springs a leak!*

Carter's Blanket Zipper Footie PJ's: This is my husband's favorite piece of clothing! I can't say enough good things about them: you don't have to worry about socks, the fleece repels drool, and they are amazing for middle-of-the-night diaper changes. Much easier than fumbling with snaps on squirmy babies!

Wireless Video Baby Monitor: Video monitors are ideal for checking in on your little one to see if their soft whimpers will turn into wails or if they are sleep cries.

WubbaNub Pacifiers: A toy and a pacifier in one, babies love that they have something soft to hold onto while sucking. They come in many different animal characters!

Sophie The Giraffe: You don't have to worry about this toy being recalled. It's been around for years and is made from rubber that is safe for your babe to chew on. It also squeaks, a sound that babies seem to love!

Munchkin Deluxe Bottle Brush: Baby bottles are tough to clean, especially for those with big hands. Bottle brushes are super convenient. Plus, this one has a nipple brush in the handle and the suction keeps the brush off the counter so it stays clean.

aden & anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets: Swaddle blankets may just work harder than any other baby item. Not only are they good for swaddling in the first few months, but they also serve as burp rags, nursing covers, and teething toys. They will easily become your favorite "tool".

Oball Rattle: The wholes in these balls are perfect for your baby to grab with those little fingers. This toy was one of the first that my little boy grabbed! They also rattle so

Bright Starts Snuggle & Teethe: These toys are made of soft minky fabric, they have plastic feet for teething, and their bellies make that crinkle sound that babies LOVE!

There you have it folks, the 10 best items for new parents!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Where to Find Affordable Maternity Clothes

You're Pregnant. Your Clothes Barely Fit. Now What? Where do you find cute pregnancy clothes that don't cost more than that designer crib in your nursery?

I've shared some of my favorite places to find good deals on maternity clothes that fit any style:

Short Sleeve Scoop Neck Cuffed Maternity T Shirt
Striped Scoop Neck

Destinaton Maternity & Motherhood Maternity offer everything from tees and leggings to lingerie and swimwear.

Jessica Simpson Button Front Plain Weave Denim Maternity Jacket
Denim Jacket

With lines designed by Heidi Klum & Jessica Simpson, you're sure to dress your bump in style. They also carry nursing bras and tops! Bonus: Every mail order comes with lots of great coupons for Carter's, BuyBuyBaby and more!


StorQ Maternity  A unique concept to basic maternity clothes. They offer 4 basic pieces that offer the most versatility to your wardrobe: A t-shirt dress, leggings, a long tank, and a knee-length skirt. You can buy them separately or

Buy them in a bundle! Mix and match with all of your non-maternity clothing to keep things fresh at minimal cost!

Image 1 of ASOS Maternity Exclusive Maxi Dress With V Neck
Maxi With V-Neck

Going to a wedding or fancy soiree with your bump? Asos Maternity offers tons of great dresses

Image 1 of ASOS Maternity Vest With Lace Panel
Lacy V-Neck

As well as gorgeous feminine tops.

Jersey T Dress

Old Navy also offers some great clothes at a good price. I wish I was pregnant again just so I could rock this adorable dress!

For some really comfortable pregnancy clothing items click here

And for some advice on how to pack maternity clothes for traveling click here