Thursday, March 6, 2014

First-Hand Advice for Colicky Babies

Most parents, especially new parents, cringe at the word colic. Fearful that their baby's cries will end up being inconsolable, prolonged, and disturbingly painful to hear. Unfortunately, we were blessed with that exact situation.

My husband and I were both fussy babies so I guess it was bound to happen! And even though we were semi-prepared for this type of baby, it was not easy for us as new parents to deal with the stress of not being able to calm our baby. Boy, were there some nights that praying for strength and patience was the only thing that got me through!! Fortunately, the little one seems to be over the hump. He's happier and happier every day.

Doctors say that most babies go through a fussy period, a couple weeks where they are fussier at a certain time of day. But there is a huge difference between a baby that cries when they are hungry, tired, wet, or overstimulated and a baby who is completely inconsolable no matter what you try. And while there is no magic cure, here are a few products and ideas that may just save your sanity:

First, RESEARCH! Check out and They have a few different explanations of what can cause colic. Sometimes, if you're lucky, there IS an explanation for why your baby is being fussy and some products that can help!!

Second, try some comforting techniques:

  • Baby carriers are amazing for newborns! Little babies love to be held close, but sometimes they don't want to be put down EVER. That can be very taxing on the family! Baby carriers allow you to take care of yourself as well as comfort your baby.
  • Go for a drive. A lot of colicky babies love the bumps and motion that a drive provides. You can also try a baby swing. Many babies love them! 
  • Hold baby on their stomach. Also called the colic hold, when you hold a baby on their tummy instead of their back they normally start to calm down. This is also one of the "Happiest Babies on the Block" techniques! It puts a little extra pressure on their tummy so if they are crabby because they have gas, this will usually relieve it.
  • You can also visit a chiropractor! Many babies need to be adjusted after delivery, even some C-section babies, and that can make them extra cranky. Ask your friends and family for a recommendation if you've never gone to the chiropractor before. 

Third, there are great products out there that can help:

One Bottle & Box

Colic Calm: Colic Calm is a gripe water made from 8 different herbs and is FDA regulated. Many parents swear by the great effects it has on colic symptoms. Unfortunately, it did not work for that well for us, but if you are at your wit's end, it might just be your saving grace!

Colief® Infant Drops

Colief: This is our FAVORITE product in the world right now!!!! It is an enzyme that helps babies digest the lactose in breast milk and formula. Not being able to digest milk well was definitely the cause of most of our little one's colic.

GERBER® Soothe™ Colic Drops

Probiotics: Babies are born without the healthy bacteria in their gut to help them digest food well. These can really help relieve the gas and bloating that comes from undigested food.

Gripe Water: This gripe water works really well for us. It has ginger and fennel that helps settle tummy troubles. We dip our babies pacifier in it when he is really cranky and won't take his pacifier at all. It instantly settles him down! It is also less expensive than the Colic Calm and is found in almost any pharmacy.

Don't be complacent if you think your baby has colic! If your doctor doesn't give you any advice, get on the web! is a great source for help on baby problems (it's where I found out about Colief!). They have communities of parents that are based around how old your child is. That is a nice way to keep up to date on issues that others are going through. Lots of good advice.

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